
Customer's Reviews

NY living in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

Purchased Item:Kala Chakra Mandala (Orange 03)

Question 1.

Has anything changed between before you discovered Mandalas to after you discovered Manadas?
Could you tell me about any specific event or turning point, no matter how small, that happened in your life? As many or as few that come to mind.

Answer 1.

Words cannot describe the size or splendor of the Mandala.

After listening to my friend’s experience with a Mandala, I thought, “I’d like to have a Mandala that’s suited for me in my house as an amulet.” Then, my friend, who lives in Kyoto, reached out to tell me, “I have a Mandala right now,” and in that moment, I wished that I could go to Kyoto. Much to my surprise, immediately after that, an opportunity arose that meant that I was able to go to Kyoto, and it was there that I encountered two Manaalas.

Words cannot describe the size or splendor of the Mandala.

One of them, I couldn’t bear to touch, because of the sheer size and extravagance of it. Whereas with the other, I thought, “this might be it,” the moment I laid my eyes on it. I was fascinated by and drawn to its beauty and splendor. In all honesty, that Mandala wasn’t exactly cheap either. However, my feelings of “I want it,” outweighed that.

The next day, something happened that confirmed that the second Mandala was meant for me. I accompanied my friend to their workplace, where I saw a woman who was playing the cello, who happened to be my friend’s friend, and we decided to have lunch together. I listened to her talk. Call it a coincidence or call it fate, but as it turns out, she was the daughter of the person who was selling that Mandala.

The following day, I met up with the same woman, and because of our talk the previous day, she sold that Mandala to me for a terrific price. That confirmed to me that it wasn’t anything other than fate.

Little did I know that it would lead me to unknown destinies.

After I purchased the Mandala, things started falling into place. As a new hire at my company, I was suddenly gifted a bronze mirror from a Chinese museum type place. The bronze mirror had a Mandala painted on the back of it, and was so powerful that I felt the message of Taoism being delivered to me (Taoism is one of the three major religions in China). It was all so sudden and coincidental, and yet fateful encounters were set into motion because of the Mandala. It was when I returned to Tokyo to buy a Mandala for my mother, that I discovered the online Mandala speciality store, run by Yuya Sato. From the moment I met him, I thought he was a wonderful and trustworthy person. I decided to purchase a Mandala from him because of the very beautiful Mandalas he owned. To me, this was another fateful encounter, another link in the chain.

MZ, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Question 1.

Has anything changed between before you discovered Mandalas to after you discovered Manadas ?
Could you tell me about any specific event or turning point, no matter how small, that happened in your life? As many or as few that come to mind.

Answer 1.

I’ve always liked psychedelic things. Recently, a couple milestones have taken place in my life such as the death of a close one as well as my upcoming 60th birthday in the summer. While I was doing some research for work, I had the opportunity to read about the pre-war movement of Nichirenism, and how although Nichiren abolished the worshipping of idols, the one thing that was allowed to be worshipped was the Mandala. That’s when I became interested in Mandalas.

As I furthered my research on Nichirenism, I discovered that the “Mandala” of Nichiren is solely made up of “words” from the “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.” However, I am neither of Nichiren Shu nor Soka Gakkai, and therefore feel as though I cannot meditate without images.

Question 2.
Why did you choose to shop at this store ? Did you consider any other stores ?

Answer 3.

The product catalogue seemed very proper, which made me feel like I could trust it. I also liked that part of the proceeds were sent to Nepal.

Question 3.

Although this overlaps with Question 1, how did you discover Mandalas ?

Answer 3.

I had always been interested in the Sand Mandalas from Tibet as well as the Mandalas that depict Japan’s Mount Haku. Ever since I was young, I loved Peter Max, and I recently got my hands on his book of paintings, only to discover that he did his own spin on Mandalas. Around the end of last year, I purchased Tadanori Yokoo’s “Skull Plates” from Beams. This is a version of a Mandala, but it made me want one from the homeland.

Mr. TK from Shiga Prefecture

Question 1.

Has anything changed between before you discovered Mandalas to after you discovered Manadas ?
Could you tell me about any specific event or turning point, no matter how small, that happened in your life? As many or as few that come to mind.

Answer 1.

Last summer, I was involved in something unexpected, and had the opportunity to take a good look at my life. Ever since, I kept seeing Vairocana and Mandalas and felt a great sense of fate. One day, I had a dream that I was hanging up a picture of a Mandala in my living room. It made the space feel very good, like I was being wrapped in light. After looking it up online, I somehow found myself on Yuya Sato’s website. I thought, “this is it,” and ordered one right away. After hanging it up in my living room today, I could physically feel the energy in the room change and a sense of good luck wash over me. From now on, I’m planning to verbalize my gratitude towards the Mandala.

Question 2.

Why did you choose to shop at this store? Did you consider any other stores ?

Answer 2.

My intuition drew me towards it. I felt a sense of sincerity from it.

Question 3.

What was the deciding factor that led you to make a purchase ?

Answer 3.

The sincere and quick customer service.

Question 4.

How did you find out about the mandala?
How did you first learn about Mandalas? What is the most appealing aspect of a Mandala ?

Answer 4.

I first saw a Mandala at a temple. The wonderful cosmos.
