
What is a Mandala?

What is a Mandala?

Just like meditation and life, to me, Mandalas are shrouded in mystery and yet abundance.

While the first time I encountered a Mandala was while I was in Nepal, the first time I learned about one was when I heard the words “Mandala is a cosmos inside and outside” from somewhere.

So, what exactly is a “cosmos”?

Generally speaking, the “cosmos” refers to the universe and seems to be derived from the Greek word “κόσμος,” which means “order, harmony, alignment.” If you click here, you can learn about the “cosmos” in more detail on Wikipedia. 《Wikipedia: Cosmos》

"A state of harmony and order."

「"A state where gardens, social laws, and human minds, are in harmony."



The above “keywords” are descriptive of what the “cosmos” means

Indeed, Mandalas have harmony and order, and can find symmetry.

Visually, a Mandala can appear planet-like, with harmony and order, the sun, and the universe. Going back to Wikipedia’s definition, albeit a Christian one, Christian theology defines the “cosmos” as the created universe, which denotes meanings such as “order of God” and “infinite expansion.”

Inheriting Greek cosmology, the Renaissance era referred to the entire universe as a “macrocosmos” and each person’s soul as a “microcosmos,” and it is said that these two cosmos, “macrocosmos” and “microcosmos,” interact and correspond.

The following definition appeared during the Renaissance era

“Macrocosmos”= the Entire Universe
“Microcosmos” = Each Person’s Soul

The meanings and definitions of the word “cosmos,” intuitively make a Mandala feel like an art, design, or tool that helps to remind us of the connection between the inner “microcosmos” of our “bodymindspirit,” and the infinitely expanding outer “macrocosmos.”

The only of its kind in Japan, Himalaya Yugyoan specializes in Mandalas. Bought directly from Nepal, these artistically and energetically high quality products are sold at a reasonable price.

For the sake of research, upon using the search function on websites such as Google and Yahoo to look up other stores that sell Mandalas, many advertised that their artistically low quality products were painted by a priest or monk, with some even selling fake products, or ones painted on paper instead of cotton.

The material of the Mandalas from Himalaya Yugyoan are made from 100% cotton fabric, rather than of paper, which allows it to last hundreds of years. The gold that is used is 24 carat pure gold mud.

100% Quality Assurance

While there aren’t many stores in Japan that sell Mandalas, Himalaya Yugyoan offers high quality, hand-painted, real Mandalas. Our connection with a Mandala school managed by local Nepali Mandala artists means we can offer high quality Mandalas at a local price point, instead of price gouging for foreign tourists.